Friday, October 8, 2010



It's hard to believe it, Thanksgiving already. My little girl is 3 months old. There has been soo many  blessings in the last year that I am overwhelmed with happiness!

We are heading to the Hat tomorrow morning. Grandma Alice is hosting dinner in the afternoon (Darren and I are making dressing. I also made crust-less pumpkin pie and pork buns).

On Sunday we are celebrating Grandma Martha's 80th birthday (Oct 16). Sunday is the actual day Grandpa would have turned 80 but he passed away earlier this year.

We are going to use Monday as a relax day. (get some yard work done) Maybe go for a nice LONG walk around town. (especially after all the food that is being served this weekend).

1 comment:

  1. Have an absolutely wonderful weekend! Happy Thanksgiving! :)
