Thursday, October 1, 2009

Peanut Butter

Oh, how I love Peanut Butter!

But I have been abusing you. Every lunch I dip apples in you. Not taking note the other stuff I am eating is filling as well.

Sorry I will have to get Darren to hide you from site but there is no other way. I see you in the cupboard and all I want to do is add you to my lunch plate. I will enjoy you every now and then as a treat.

We ended up going to Medicine Hat last night for Jason's birthday dinner. Jolene made fantastic ribs, homemade Mac & cheese and Caesar Salad. I limited my portion, knowing that everyone of those foods are not great for me. Her ribs are fantastic though, fall off the bone yumminess. I ran around a little after supper with Payton (she was chasing me around mom's chair and giggling hysterically, ahhh to be young again!)

Lunch is going to be my tuna wrap, an apple and a pickle. NO PEANUT BUTTER.
Supper is going to be leftovers of hamburger mushroom sauce, beef/mushroom stir fry and jerk chicken. I'll add some veggies into the mix as well.

I am going to start the lasagna sauce tonight to let it cook slowly in the crock pot absorbing all the spices! I am going to be making the lasagna for Dad on Saturday for all the help he is going to do around the house.

When you make a mistake, don't look back at it long. Take the reason of
the thing into your mind and then look forward. Mistakes are lessons of wisdom.
The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.
Hugh White (1773 - 1840)

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