Yesterday was my first ball game. It was great being out there playing again. It's been around 10 years! I struck out twice but as the afternoon progressed I started to hit the ball again. I made a great catch at home plate to put the runner out. I'm a little sore on the tops of my legs but feel great!
We have been trying to get out for a walk at least once a day. (Sometimes Maria & I go out twice). I feels great to get some fresh air and enjoy the beautiful weather that has finally arrived!
This weekend Darren & I are going to a Wanna-be's overnight thing at S.A.B.C. (grades 4-6). There are at least 37 kids attending! It should be a lot of fun. Maria is going to stay at Grandma's for a couple of nights.
Snacking over the winter was horrible. I am trying to fight the urge to go to the cupboard. It's helped since we have started budgeting. We haven't been having snackish foods in the house. Right now my favorite snacks are apples, and almonds(honey roasted with some cayenne pepper, homemade). I found a healthier scone recipe that is really good, the scones are moist.
It was hard during the Easter weekend because there was a lot of great food (not all unhealthy) but the quantity that you want to eat destroys you.
Off to vote for the first time!!
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