Monday, March 9, 2009

life is gettin' more organized

This weekend was for the birds.

Positive first:

1) got laundry done except for one load that can wait
2) organized wedding thank yous so we can get those and mailed. They are taking way too long.
3) made a meal plan for the week and bought groceries with a LIST!! This way the only thing we will need to get is milk (had enough left to last most of the week)
4) saw a fantastic home theatre production and really enjoyed it! (to bad Darren couldn't make it on time), see link. A friend of ours was in the Saturday production.
5) Watched Fraggle Rock.

Now for some craziness!!

1) went grocery shopping way to late last night and ate supper way to late. Never mind that it was thin crust frozen pizza. Had to eat because hadn't had something since lunch. Not the best but I will learn from this.
2) Darren came home from work around 7:30 both days but last night ended up doing paper work till 2am. He took a small breather to say hi and give me a kiss. After being alone all day with no cable, one can only watch Fraggle Rock soo much and I am running out of movies..... it's pretty disappointing to not having any attention.

I'm trying to be supportive and positive for Darren. It can be hard sometimes and have told him that whatever he needs to do I will be there right behind him. We've take about him doing something else that will give him better hours , the only thing stopping him from looking now is we need him to have a guaranteed wage for September for remortgaging. After that we will see what happens. I'm hoping he can stay positive and happy.

Meal plan today:

breakfast: oatmeal, with frozen fruit(mango, peaches), milk, coffee

lunch: chicken soup with spinach, grilled cheese with WW bread and fat free swiss cheese slices, orange

supper: slow cooker lemon chicken, rice, and beans.

Tonight is the Shack study. It should be another interesting evening :)

I am so beautiful, sometimes people weep when they see me. And it has nothing to do with what I look like really, it is just that I gave myself the power to say that I am beautiful, and
if I could do that, maybe there is hope for them too. And the great divide between
the beautiful and the ugly will cease to be. Because we are all what we choose.
Margaret Cho, Margaret Cho\'s weblog, 03-23-06


  1. Know that I'm thinking of you both and love the fact that you are so supportive of Darren - that is awesome! :)

  2. Thanks Jen!!

    I'm thinking of you and Frankie too!
